Not one I was familiar with until I saw a rendition of this on Cosgrove's Cosmos (I recommend not just for the images but for the detail Patrick puts into the site!). Patrick tackles this with a Narrowband SHO filter set. My DSLR and Optolong l-enhance was always going to struggle to keep up with that but I'm pretty pleased with the result. It needs much more data the 7h28m I managed to grab on a single night at the end of September simply isn't enough. However in my social posts people did get it.
30 Flats
10 Darks
126 Lights
After Filtering out for FWHM and wRWHM was left with 112, filters used: -
f = 3.3
Stacked 112 * 240s -Total Integration Time = 7h28m
Post Processing
Rotate 180 - Lion upside down!
Background Gradient
Colour Calibration Photometry
Deconvolution (1.2)
asinh Stretch - minimal (30,30,5)
Histogram Stretch
Starless and Stars created using Siril Pixel Maths and Starnet++.
Once we have a TIFF (16 bit version) of Starless move into PS.
Photoshop Processing
Raw - Highlights and Contrast
Raw - Texture
Raw - Clarity
Raw - Noise Reduction
Raw - Saturation and Vibrancy and Shadow
Create FIT version of TIFF file output from PS using Siril
Once back from PS then Pixel Math Add the Stars back into the FIT version of the Photoshop processed TIFF file.
Created JPG version